Sincere and successful effort saved Anil from the face of death
The thirteen years old Anil Birua S/o. Late Ramkrisha Birua resident of Chaibasa did not know what destiny actually had planned for him when left his shack early morning. On the said day , Jammu Tawai Express had just arrived and the platform suddenly became alive with hustle bustle of the Passengers ,Vendors , Porters and the red dots on the digital clocks on the platform cheerfully displayed it was 7Am in the morning .
A group of young rag pickers awaited anxiously on the platform to board the train to collect the thrown away plastic water bottles. As soon as the train arrived on the platform the youngsters sprinted to board the moving train. Anil too didn’t want to loose out in the competition and rushed along with his friends but unfortunately miss stepped while boarding and slid through the gap between the platform and the compartment and fell straight on the track just under the moving wheels of the train causing severe injury to both his legs. His friends however hauled the young boy from under the train compartment in presence of onlookers who were at loss of words to see the child profusely bleeding and writhing in pain.
Gathering their wits together Anil’s friends quickly shifted him to Rourkela Government Hospital. He was in a very critical condition and someone shared his photograph on Social Media.
On seeing the WhatsApp photo, Mr. Parmeswar Samal the Secretary of a Social Organization ‘Ame Bharatiya’ rushed immediately to the hospital and to his astonishment found Anil lying on the hospital floor, his bandages soaked red , blood dripping from his injury and , he was crying continuously in pain calling out to others .”Water, Water, Please give me water “ and his friend Bijay held his hand looking here and there , sitting helplessly wishing someone would come forward to assist them. There was neither a doctor nor a nurse available to attend the boy .
Mr. Samal consulted the doctor and as per doctor’s advice gave some water to drink and thereafter he was told by the doctor present that no facilities were available to meet such emergencies and the patient should immediately be moved to Steel Plant Hospital named Ispat General Hospital .
Anil Birua was a total stranger to Mr. Samal. Whereabouts of Anil’s parents were not known. Mr. Parameswar Samal with sheer will power and a mind to extend his help turned into a good Samaritan. He immediately contacted the ADM of Rourkela and collected a letter from the concerned authority to admit Anil in IGH without any security money and subsequently Mr. Samal shifted him to Ispat General Hospital, Rourkela along with the help of two other friends.
In IGH when the bandages were opened remains of soil and small particles of pebbles were found in the injury area and because of severe virus infection a tetanus injection costing Rs 1811/- was administered into the patient. Anil stayed in IGH for 3 days and then the Doctors referred him to SCB Medical College Cuttack for proper treatment however by this time the legs suffered from gangrene which spread foul smell all around. In the meantime Mr. Parameshwar Samal embarked on a mission to find out the whereabouts of Anil’s family. He spoke to The SP of Chaibasa and after two days his mother was located and when contacted on phone the whole incidence was narrated to her however because of medical and other allied expenses she denied from recognizing her son.
On the same day at around 10 Pm, Mr. Samal left Rourkela and took Anil along with him to SCB Medical College, Cuttuck for further treatment by ambulance. After 2 days one of his legs was operated and then again after three days his other leg was operated too. Anil stayed in the hospital for 1 Month 24 days and Mr. Samal brought him back to Rourkela.
Later on Anil Birua was handed over to Rourkela Childline after a meeting with ADM Roukela and subsequently transferred to Chaibasa Childline.